Refund Policy

Thank you for using Tutors Hut! We aim to provide an exceptional experience for all our users. Please review our refund policy carefully before proceeding.

1. Refunds for Website Subscriptions

Refunds are available only for website subscription services offered directly by Tutors Hut. If you are not satisfied with your subscription, you can request a refund within 7 days of purchase.

How to Request a Refund for Subscriptions:

  • Go to the Refund Page on our website.
  • Click the Refund Now button and follow the steps.
  • Alternatively, access the refund option via the Menu and submit your request.

Our team will review your request and respond within 5 business days. Refund requests made after the 7-day period will not be accepted.

2. Marketplace Purchases

Tutors Hut serves as a platform connecting buyers and sellers in the marketplace. We do not directly sell any products or services listed by users.

  • No Refunds for Marketplace Transactions: Tutors Hut cannot issue refunds for purchases made through marketplace sellers.
  • Buyer Responsibility: Please carefully review product details, ask questions, and verify sellers before completing any purchase. Tutors Hut is not liable for disputes or issues arising from marketplace transactions.

3. Contacting Sellers for Marketplace Issues

If you encounter problems with a purchase from a marketplace seller, we recommend contacting the seller directly to resolve the issue. Tutors Hut does not mediate disputes between buyers and sellers.

4. No Refunds for Policy Violations

Refunds will not be issued if a user is found violating Tutors Hut’s Terms of Use or engaging in prohibited activities on the platform.

If you have questions or need further assistance, contact us at Thank you for being a valued member of the Tutors Hut community!